Registration of the birth in the Republic of Armenia
The process of state registration of the birth of the child in the Republic of Armenia:
If the parents are married, both their names will be recorded on the birth certificate and the child’s patronym will be registered based on the name of his father. If the parents are not married, the data on the father is filled based on:
- The Act acknowledging the paternity;
- When the above Act is missing, then a written statement of the mother.
In the second case, instead of his father’s last name, the mother’s last name is used. The details of the father are written at mother’s request. If the parents are not married the birth certificate data about the father may be missing at mother’s request. In the RA the name and surname of the child is filled in by mutual agreement of the parents. A child can be recorded with both the mother’s surname and the father’s.
Application for registration of birth must be submitted no later than one year from birth to the Registry Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia. The registration of births of one year of age or older is processed on the basis of a written application of the parent(s), or a third person on the basis of the relevant document issued by a physician, or medical organization. If the child has reached adulthood and at this point has not yet been registered, the state registration of the birth is done in person.
The documents required for state registration of birth in the Republic of Armenia:
At the state registration of the birth of the child the following documents must be presented:
- A written statement of the parent(s), or a third person;
- The applicant’s passport;
- The marriage certificate and in certain cases the divorce certificate, the certificate of acknowledgment of paternity, or the death certificate;
- The document certifying the birth of the child, this is provided by a doctor or medical institution where the birth took place;
- If the child was born outside of a medical institution, the application is submitted by the persons who were present at the birth of the child, written in a manner and form prescribed by the appropriate law of the Republic of Armenia and the certificate of the clean health of the child issued by a medical institution;
- In case of the surrogate, it is necessary to provide a copy of the signed contract with the surrogate mother.
If all of the above documents are missing, the registration of the birth of the child is carried based on an enforceable court decision.
The time required for the state registration of birth in the Republic of Armenia:
State registration of birth in the Republic of Armenia is carried out within one working day.
The legal consequences of state registration of birth in the Republic of Armenia:
The birth certificate is issued after the state registration of the birth of the child, which forms the basis of his/her identity and through which he/she can enjoy all the rights granted to him/her. Based on a birth certificate a passport is issued in the future. State registration of the birth of the child and the issuance of birth certificates in the Republic of Armenia are free of charges and State duties.