The law “on the declaration of amnesty for persons who evaded compulsory military or alternative service”
The amnesty applies to persons who have reached the age of 27 and 35, to reserve officers who evaded compulsory military or alternative service, are suspected, accused or convicted under Part 1 or 3 of Article 327 of the RA Criminal Code (only if the act under Part 1 of the same article was committed during martial law) for committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 327 of the RA Criminal Code to avoid the regular draft:
“In order to make the application of the Amnesty Law more imaginative and predictable for our compatriots, below are some practical explanations:
If you are wanted and a measure of restraint in the form of detention has been taken against you, then:you must enter the territory of the Republic of Armenia (2021 December 31 inclusive).After entry, you are taken into custody for a short period of time and presented to the authority conducting the proceedings. Within a short period of time, the body conducting the proceedings will decide whether to cancel or change the preventive measure applied to you, and, accordingly, you will have the opportunity to be released from arrest and be at liberty.If the Amnesty Law is complied with, the competent authority will apply the amnesty to you:If you are serving your sentence in a penal institution, the Head of the corresponding penal institution of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia will decide on application of the law on amnesty to you:If you have been convicted for a punishment not related to imprisonment (for example, a fine) or have been conditionally released from serving your sentence, and your behavior is monitored, the issue of application of the Law on Amnesty with respect to you will be decided by the Probation Service of the Ministry of Justice of RA:If the case against you is in the court of general jurisdiction of the first instance or a criminal court of appeal, but before the entry into force of the law on amnesty has not been considered or considered, but the sentence has not entered into legal force, the criminal courts of general jurisdiction of the first instance and the court of appeal respectively will decide on the application of the law on amnesty in respect of you:If you have not been given a suspended sentence or your sentence has been postponed, the question of the application of the Amnesty Law against you will be decided by the court on the basis of a petition from the competent authority supervising your behavior:If a cassation appeal in your case has been accepted by the Cassation Court of the Republic of Armenia, the issue of applying the Law on Amnesty in relation to you will be decided by the Cassation Court of the Republic of Armenia:If you are convicted by the courts of the Republic of Armenia, but you are serving your sentence outside the Republic of Armenia, the issue of applying the Law on Amnesty against you will be resolved by the Criminal Court of Appeal of the Republic of Armenia: * In each of the situations described, the amnesty will be applied to you only if you meet the requirements of the Law on Amnesty:
Under the Amnesty Law, amnesty does not apply to:
1) with respect to persons wanted prior to the entry into force of the law, with the exception of persons who until December 31, 2021 inclusive, will voluntarily appear in person before the criminal prosecution authorities, and if the case is pending before the court, before the court;
2) with respect to persons in whose case, within the last ten years
a. The imposed punishment has been reduced based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia on Pardon or the Amnesty Law or the Act of Amnesty of the National Assembly, and who may thereafter be charged or convicted of a crime defined by Article 327(1) or (3) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia or of a crime defined by Article 327(1) or (3) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia, or
b.released from serving their sentences on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia on Pardon or the Law on Amnesty or the Act of Amnesty of the National Assembly, who may thereafter be charged with or accused of a crime defined by Article 327(1) or (3) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia, or sentenced for a crime defined by Article 327(1) or (3) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia, or…d. No criminal prosecution has been carried out, or criminal prosecution has been terminated on the basis of the Law on Amnesty or the Act of Amnesty of the National Assembly, who may thereafter be charged or accused of committing a crime under Article 327, paragraph 1 or 3 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia, or convicted of committing a crime under Article 327, paragraph 1 or 3 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia
3) with regard to persons who have committed a crime stipulated by part 1 or 3 of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia during the probationary period assigned in another case, on the basis of conditional release from punishment or conditional non-application of punishment,” the Ministry of Justice said in a statement: