The draft law on increasing the amount allocated for expenses related to parliamentary activities by AMD 200,000 was adopted in the first reading
The Armenian National Assembly at an extraordinary session on July 15 passed in the first reading the draft law on amendments to the law on remuneration of persons holding public and civil service positions.
The draft law was adopted with 74 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions.
The draft law proposes to raise the amount of the monthly sum allocated for the expenses related to the National Assembly deputies – from the present 50,000 drams to 250,000 drams.
The mentioned amendment is proposed to be enforced from the opening day of the second session of the National Assembly of the next convocation, taking into consideration that the total number of deputies of the 8th National Assembly is 107, which is 25 less than the total number of deputies of the 7th National Assembly (132), and the annual amount of the state expenditure is not increased, but decreased by AMD 17.7 million. The amount of the annual payment of 25 8th National Assembly deputies and their assistants is now, and under the proposed law the annual payment amount is regulated.
The substantiation of the draft law states that the legislative initiative proposes to increase the amount of the monthly sum allocated for the expenses related to the deputies of the National Assembly, setting 250000 AMD.
The authors of the draft law, MPs Viktor Yengibarn and Nikolay Baghdasaryan of My Step parliamentary faction, noted in the substantiation that the mentioned regulation had not been reviewed since the adoption of the law, whereas there had been a considerable increase of respective expenditures during the previous period.