How a recount can be conducted according to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia
Article 50 of the Electoral Code sets out how the recount of voting results can be carried out.
By law
- A candidate included in the electoral list of a party participating in the election, or a candidate for the head of a municipality or for a member of the Council of Elders, or a proxy, if they were present at the summing up of the voting results at the polling station, as well as a member of the precinct election commission-if a record is made of a special opinion on the procedure for summing up the voting results at the polling station in the protocol on the results of voting at the polling station, they have the right, in accordance with the procedure and within the time limits established by this Code, to appeal against the results of voting at this polling station by submitting to the territorial election commission an application for recounting the results of voting at the polling station (hereinafter referred to as recounting.
An application for recounting the results of voting at a polling station can only be submitted to the relevant territorial election commission on the day after voting from 12: 00 to 18: 00 or on the second day after voting from 9: 00 to 11: 00.
- The application for recount must include the name of the applicant, the address of the applicant and the number of the polling station where the recount is required, as well as the results of the vote (if several votes were held simultaneously) for which the recount is required.
- If several votes were held at the same time, a member of the precinct election commission may submit an application for recount only on the result of the vote, in the protocol of which he made an entry about a dissenting opinion.
- If more than one vote is held simultaneously, a separate application is submitted for the recount of the results of each vote.
- The Territorial Election Commission registers applications for recount in the registration log with an indication of the time of receipt.
- The election commission continues the recount after 18.00 hours, if it has not completed the recount of the polling station that has already begun, as well as in cases where a decision on the recount of votes was made at the polling station., if it is impossible to complete the recalculation of the voting results at the polling station established by part 7 of this article in the working conditions before 18: 00 before the recount deadline.
- The territorial election commission first of all recalculates the results of voting at all those polling stations for which, in the opinion of the territorial election commission, there is reasonable evidence of incorrect generalization of the results of voting, and also recalculates the results of voting at all those polling stations, with the study of the protocols of which (including the study of inaccuracies) the district election commission has doubts about the incorrect generalization of the results: The territorial election commission shall, in the second place, recount the results of voting at all the polling stations for which the application for recount is submitted, and there is an entry in the register of this precinct election commission stating that it is impossible to print the certificate established by paragraph 3 of Part 2 of Article 68 of this Code.
- If the recount of the voting results established by paragraph 7 of this Article was completed before the recount deadline, or there were no such recounts, the territorial election commission, based on the available applications for recount, determines by drawing lots in which order it will recount the voting results at the polling station.
- The refusal of the applicant to recount the results of voting at the polling station is not a reason for non-recount of votes.
- The recount is made for the purpose of summarizing the results of voting at the polling station in accordance with the requirements established by this Code, with the exception of self-adhesive stamps and numbered receipts allocated to the precinct election commission, and a protocol is drawn up on the recount of the results of voting at the polling station, in the lines” number of self-adhesive stamps allocated to the precinct election commission “and” number of number coupons allocated to the precinct election commission”, the numbers recorded by the precinct election commission are filled in, if there are no obvious mechanical errors in them.
The validity of the voting ballot during the recount is determined in accordance with the requirements of this Code.
At the request of the persons entitled to attend the meeting of the commission, they are provided with copies of the minutes of the recount of the voting results at the polling station.
- When a recount is carried out in the composition of at least 3 members of the commission, the duties established by this Code for the chairman of the precinct election commission for summing up the voting results are performed by the deputy chairman of the district election commission or the secretary of the commission, and if they are not included in this composition, the member appointed by the chairman of the district election commission may recount the voting results at the polling station in the composition of at least 3 members of the commission.
- The duration of the recount of the voting results at one polling station may not exceed 4 hours.
- Members of the relevant precinct election commission, persons entitled to attend the meetings of the election commission, the candidate may participate in the recount of the voting results at the polling station.:
- When recounting the results of voting at a polling station, the candidate, the proxy and the person who submitted the application for recounting have the right, together with other documents, to get acquainted with the lists of voters who took part in the voting, and to make extracts independently.
- The absence of the person submitting the application for recount of the voting results is not a reason for non-recount or termination of the recount.
- The Territorial Election Commission shall reject the application for the recount of the voting results at the polling station and shall not carry out the recount if the recount of the voting results was required in violation of the provisions of this Article.