Have you been deprived of your driver’s license?
The right to drive a vehicle arises from the moment of obtaining a driving license. The main acts in Armenia regulating relations in this area are the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Armenia and the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Ensuring Road Traffic Safety”.
Point systemfordrivers
Since 2019, a point system for drivers has been adopted in Armenia. For violation of traffic rules, a penalty unit is applied to the offending driver as a punishment.
From the moment a person receives a driver’s license for a period of one year, he is given 9 points. Foreign citizens who have received a driver’s license in another state and have state registration are awarded points from the moment of registration in the state register of population. It is worth noting that the person is also given 9 points for the next year, and the points from the previous year are not transferred to the next year.
For certain offenses, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 or 4 points can be deducted.
In case of exhaustion of all 9 points during the year, the person is deprived of the driver’s license for 6 months. At the same time, after 3 months, a person can take a theoretical exam and get a driver’s license earlier. If, after that, the driver again exhausts these 9 points, he will lose his license for 1 year. In order to return the driver’s license in this case, the person will need to pass both practical and theoretical exams.
For whichviolationshowmanypointsarededucted?
Repeated violation of the degree of transparency of the windows established by the state, as well as tinting of the windshield and violation of the rules for closing the curtains of the windows entails the removal of 2 points.
Driving a vehicle with illegible/inappropriate license plates entails deducting 0.5 points, and closing even one sign from the vehicle number entails deducting 2 points.
Transfer of the license plate by the owner of the vehicle to another person entails the deduction of 3 points.
For exceeding the speed limit by 11-30 km/h, the driver loses 2 points, for exceeding the speed limit by 31-50 km/h – 3 points, and for exceeding the speed limit by 51-80 km/h – 4 points.
Driving under the influence of alcohol alone results in a loss of 4 points.
All the grounds for deprivation of points and their number for each reason can be seen in Articles 123-126 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Armenia.
What canyouloseyourrightsforoutsidethepointsystem?
Deprivation of a driver’s license for 1 year entails:
- exceeding the speed limit by 81 km/h or more;
- installation of red and/or blue horns or special sound signal equipment on the vehicle without the appropriate authorization, as well as the use of color images provided for the emergency services;
- Driving a vehicle without license plates or with fake license plates entails deprivation of a driver’s license for 1 year;
- installation of license plates with a yellow background on other vehicles;
- driving a vehicle that has 2 license plates with one license plate (for a repeated violation within a year after the imposition of an administrative fine for the submitted deviation);
- intentional disregard of a police officer’s order to stop;
- for driving a public vehicle or taxi under the influence of alcohol only;
- driving under the influence of alcohol if the blood alcohol content exceeds 1 gram per liter or 0.5 milligrams per liter in the exhaled air;
- repeated driving of a vehicle under the influence of alcohol within a year after the imposition of an administrative fine for the same violation.
If a person drives a car in a state of intoxication, which is due to the presence of narcotic or psychotropic substances in his blood or urine, then he is deprived of his driver’s license for 2 years.
Failure to be checked in accordance with the established procedure also entails the deprivation of the driver’s license for 2 years.
For qualified assistance in matters of revocation of a driver’s license, please contact the law office of Vardan Khechyan.
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