Compulsory Health Insurance in the Republic of Armenia
Reforms in the Republic of Armenia’s healthcare system began some time after the collapse of the USSR and independence.
However, it is safe to say that the results of the reforms initiated and underway in the healthcare system do not meet the main goals of Armenia’s healthcare policy. Namely, they do not contribute to reducing the morbidity level of the Armenian population, do not make medical care more accessible, do not ensure transparency and generally do not improve the activities of Armenian medical institutions.
In Armenia, one of the most important elements of the development of the healthcare system is the problem of health insurance.
Health insurance itself should be seen not only as a means of attracting additional sources of healthcare financing, but first and foremost as a means of improving the accessibility of medical care for the Armenian people and the effectiveness of medical services, because it has been taken up by a number of developed countries for a reason.
The development and implementation of an effective health insurance system in the Republic of Armenia will make it possible to create a system of financing medical services based on the principle of social solidarity, which is expressed as follows: “The healthy person pays the sick, the rich person pays the poor, the young person pays the elderly, and the worker pays the disabled person.
In the Republic of Armenia, voluntary and compulsory health insurance are distinguished by the criterion of mandatoryity.
This conclusion is made on the basis of article 983 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia and article 6 of the law “On insurance and insurance activities”.
The member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EurAsEC) have already introduced a system of medical insurance. For example, the Russian Federation has already completed this transition and adopted the Federal Law “On Mandatory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation”.
In the RA, health insurance is applied at the legislative level in a very limited manner, exclusively for a narrow circle of people due to its inaccessibility to the entire Armenian people. Since January 2012, medical insurance in Armenia has been mandatory only for civil servants.
Sil Insurance” CJSC has been operating in the Republic of Armenia since 2000, and in 2012 acquired a license for providing life insurance to citizens.
Unfortunately, the economic situation in Armenia and the labor market do not allow to implement compulsory health insurance on a large scale and involve the whole Armenian population.
Taking into consideration the experience of other countries, which have done the same thing, it is obvious that even in case of legalizing the principles of compulsory health insurance in the Republic of Armenia, the process of its introduction will be accompanied with certain difficulties and will require a lot of time.
In our opinion, it is important to encourage the development of voluntary insurance in the Republic of Armenia in the upcoming years, which will obviously gradually strengthen the awareness of the need for medical insurance in the public consciousness of the Armenian population and the legalization of financial flows in this direction.
In other words, it is necessary to influence the Armenian society by raising its consciousness and awareness.
According to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, the implementation of health care and social rehabilitation programs is singled out as a separate area of state policy.
In order to ensure the further development of healthcare in the Republic of Armenia, the introduction of a “compulsory health insurance” system is proposed. This system is one of the most important guarantees for the realization of citizens’ right to health care. In the future, the Republic of Armenia must adopt a compulsory medical insurance law.
Compulsory health insurance is of national political and economic importance.
Health insurance in Armenia must also become compulsory for the Armenian people because unlike voluntary health insurance, compulsory health insurance will actively contribute to the implementation of the health policy of the Government of the RA and will be more effective in providing affordable, transparent and quality medical care to every person living in Armenia.
The Armenian legislator needs to do everything correctly and correctly from the point of view of the law, so that the compulsory medical insurance becomes a tool of health care and not a means of making money. The correction of the legislative shortcomings in the sphere of life insurance will become a new impetus for the development of the insurance market in the medical sphere in Armenia.
Thus, the system of compulsory health insurance for the future of the Republic of Armenia should be one of the mechanisms for ensuring the preservation, stability and development of the health care system of the Republic of Armenia.