Disrupt Advocacy

City Hall of Yerevan Strictly Ordered not to Disrupt Advocacy

On December 8 the President of the Chamber of Advocates of the RA Ara Zohrabyan turned to the Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan. Ara Zohrabyan informed him that Guardianship and Trusteeship Councils of some administrative districts of Yerevan-City were disrupting advocacy providing no possibility to participate in the sessions of the councils.  

Today, on December 17, the Chamber of Advocates received the response from the Yerevan City Hall, which says that the issue raised was considered by the appropriate divisions of the City Hall. That issue is legitimate and the Heads of the administrative districts of Yerevan (the Presidents of Guardianship and Trusteeship Councils) were strictly ordered to provide the observance of law and not to disrupt advocacy.


