Changes to the Rules of Bringing an Application to the ECHR
On January 1, 2016, a slightly amended version of Rule 47 of the Rules of Court, which sets out the conditions for applying to the Court and for lodging a complete and valid application, will come into force.
There are two pages on the application form, instead of one, for the applicant to put down the Articles of the Convention or Protocols that are alleged to have been violated and the explanation as to how any right invoked has been violated. In accordance with the procedure, where a legal person or organization, such as a company, association or non-governmental organization, applies to the Court, it must be possible to identify the individual(s) authorized to represent the applicant body. The name and other identifying or contact details of the relevant officer or official must, therefore, be indicated on the application form.
If an applicant is represented by a lawyer or other person, the identifying details of the representative must be indicated on the application form. Both the applicant and the representative must sign the authority section on the application form. The applicant’s signature provides the necessary proof that the representative has been authorized by the applicant to act on the latter’s behalf; the representative’s signature, which is a new requirement, provides confirmation that this person has in fact accepted to act for the applicant.