State registration of a legal person is carries out by the Agency for State Register of Legal Persons within the Staff of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter referred to as “the Agency”), except for the organisations (banks, credit organisations, insurance companies, contractual investment funds and other financial organisations, including their….
Armenian government proposes the Parliament to ratify the agreement signed between the two countries to lift visa regime with Argentina. Armenian citizens will get the right to work in Argentina without visas for 3 months. This agreement will give a similar right to Argentine citizens coming to Armenia. Besides CIS countries, Argentina will be the….
Before describing directly the order of tenders in the RA, it is necessary to define this event. It is necessary to distinguish such concepts as “tender”, “auction” and “procurement”. The list of sources is expanding over time. At present these legal relations are mainly regulated by: -The Law of the Republic of Armenia on Procurement,….
The conditions for organizing lotteries and gambling will be tightened in Armenia. Government at a meeting on February 28, the RA issued a positive opinion on the draft amendments to the law “On lotteries”, developed by deputies of parliament. The conclusion of the Cabinet in accordance with the law will be submitted to the parliament.As the Minister….
On behalf of Law office of Vardan Khechyan and its team, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We wish you a successful New year, best luck, happiness, prosperity and all of your dreams come true. May the loyal friends and reliable partners come on your life path…..
If you decided to move to foreign countries or to replace a constant place of residence, that to you it will be necessary to legalize or to place the stamp of apostil on necessary for you documents. Apostil and consul legalization in the Republic of Armenia are regulated by the laws of the Republic of….
Pursuant to Government Decree 865 -N of 2015 goods imported into the Republic of Armenia by individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, the amount of which exceeds the norms established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, shall be considered as obviously commercial. Provisions of the said Decree shall not apply to goods imported….
The Armenian parliament adopted amendments to the law “On funded pension” at the extraordinary meeting on June 21 in the second and final reading. According to the draft, the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Armenia Atom Janjughazyan noted, from July 1, 2018 the accumulative pension system will become mandatory for all citizens of Armenia. At ….
The EAEU and Iran signed a provisional agreement on establishing a free trade zone for a period of three years in May 2018. The accord envisages reduction or removal of import customs duties on a wide range of goods. The parties also agreed to launch talks on the full-fledged free trade agreement no later than….
In modern conditions there are more and more cases when citizens, being outside the territory of their country of citizenship, want to get married. Such situations are widespread in Armenia as well. What are the reasons for getting married in a foreign country? There are various reasons. Some foreign couples have to take that step….
At the beginning of the 1990s, the right of private property was introduced into the legal system of the Republic of Armenia, which had been denied at the ideological level for the previous seven centuries. As a result, property, which had been in the hands of the state until then, was privatized and began to….
The service of opening bank accounts for companies registered outside Armenia has recently become very popular. This can be explained by several factors, in particular, by the fact that the currency legislation of the Republic of Armenia provides ample opportunities to transfer funds outside the country and by the fact that Armenian banks are quite….
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