President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian signed a number of laws adopted by the Parliament, including the law on changing the composition of the government, the Presidential Office told Armenpress. The laws concern making amendments and changes in the Law on Advertisement, Composition and Activity of the Government, Public Service, Code of Administrative Offenses and etc…..
Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan received the delegation led by Minister of State of the United Arab Emirates, Co-chair of Armenian-UAE intergovernmental commission Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh on May 3. As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister of Armenia, greeting the guests, the PM highlighted the 1st session of the Armenia-UAE intergovernmental commission held on May….
Let’s say you are dissatisfied with the result of the plastic surgery, it does not meet the promise, or your health is damaged. You have applied to the prosecutor’s office, brought the doctor to criminal responsibility, a fine or arrest. But the cost of surgical operations on the medical market is significant and is expressed….
Particular attention is paid to safety issues in the regulation of leases by international law. The most important of them is as follows: which state of aircraft registration or the state of the operator – is responsible for compliance with the relevant safety standards of the Chicago Convention, who is responsible for compliance with safety….
Redomiciliation is the process of transferring a legal entity from one jurisdiction to another. A decision to redomicile a company can be made by managers for several reasons: – Impact of the worsened geopolitical situation in the country of primary registration; – changes in tax conditions in the country of initial registration of the company;….
Each country has its own attitude towards gambling. In some countries, casinos are allowed, in some countries, gambling is strictly prohibited. We will tell you about the peculiarities of the regulation of gambling activities with winnings in the Republic of Armenia. It is one of the countries where the state chose not to ban activities….
Former deputy of the National Assembly of Armenia, former head of the Judicial Acts Compulsory Enforcement Service Migran Poghosyan was detained by the Russian law enforcement bodies in Karelia. He is accused of embezzlement on a particularly large scale and abuse of office, as well as crimes under paragraph 1 of Part 3 of Article….
In the Republic of Armenia, the activities of winning games and gambling houses may be carried out by the commercial organizations registered in the Republic of Armenia. The procedure of state registration in the Republic of Armenia is stipulated by the Law of the Republic of Armenia”On State Registration of Legal Entities, State Registration of….
The services of plastic surgeons in the territory of Armenia with increased frequency are addressed both by its residents and Armenians abroad. This is explained by the low prices for this type of medical services and the high quality of surgical services they provide. In this connection, the issue of protecting the rights of the….
The Parliament of Armenia is discussing the issue of ratifying the agreement aimed at deepening and expanding the mutual partnership between the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and China, reports Armenpress. Deputy minister of economic development and investments Albert Babayan introduced the bill on ratifying the agreement to the MPs. “The agreement provides mechanisms of mutual….
First of all, Armenian legislation allows foreign investors to own 100% of the shares, which allows them to be the sole owners of the property. Secondly, it is known that foreign citizens in the territory of Armenia are prohibited to acquire land plots into ownership. But since they are allowed to conclude long-term lease agreements,….
The Republic of Armenia is an important figure in the world economic market. The legislator creates the most favorable conditions both for imports and exports on its territory. In January 2015. Armenia joined the Eurasian Economic Union. The following benefits were provided in the international arena: – Duty-free imports of raw materials from the territory….
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