“My body is my property!” –everyone is convinced of this. Since Soviet times, our mentality has been implanted with the fact that the will of a person, even after his death, acts in relation to what belongs to him by nature. In other words, even after death, each of us has the right to dispose….
The Republic of Armenia, including the Republic of Armenia, has experienced severe socio-economic and demographic consequences as a result of the global spread of the disease caused by HIV-infection. The Republic of Armenia has a Republican AIDS Center, which was established to prevent and control HIV-infection in the Armenian population. In order to protect the….
Reforms in the Republic of Armenia’s healthcare system began some time after the collapse of the USSR and independence. However, it is safe to say that the results of the reforms initiated and underway in the healthcare system do not meet the main goals of Armenia’s healthcare policy. Namely, they do not contribute to reducing….
Today, women all over the world have the opportunity to terminate their pregnancies, which, for whatever reason, are unwanted, despite the fact that this threatens the life of the woman and the unborn child. We all know that abortion has an adverse effect on a woman’s health, especially during adolescence. Some women even decide to….
The profession of physicians is one of the most difficult professions in the world, for physicians voluntarily assume responsibility for the fate of other people. Considering this fact, the Armenian legislator should grant special rights to doctors, in order to protect them from abuse of their rights by patients and the possibility of resorting to….
The patient is a Central figure in the field of health care in the right field. Why? – you ask. And all because without it, the health care system will be an abstract concept and will not have any meaning. When applying to any Armenian medical institution, every citizen of the Republic of Armenia is….
Since 08.08.2001, the Republic of Armenia has had a law “On Licensing”, which regulates activities of medical nature. This law defines the criteria by which the Republic of Armenia issues the relevant license. Chapter 7 of this law, which specifies the list of activities subject to licensing, refers to the field of healthcare. It turns….
According to article 85 of part 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, every citizen has the right to health protection and, accordingly, the right to medical care. Part 2 of this article of the current Constitution specifies the list of free basic medical services and the procedure for their provision. It is….
To this day, there are still debates among academics about the economic efficiency in civil aviation of leasing rather than purchasing an aircraft by an air carrier from another air carrier or other entity. Leasing is attractive because of its savings and flexibility compared to purchasing. Among the advantages of leasing : Reducing the initial….
Cybercrime is defined as criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the Internet. The most common types of cybercrime are computer piracy, online fraud, attacks on computer systems, identity theft, illegal distribution of prohibited information. Individuals stealing personal data can use tour number and good credit history to take out loans in your name. They….
In order to regulate the problems identified in the procurement process, the Government amended one of its previous decisions. According to the rationale, the applicable regulations cannot sufficiently ensure the effectiveness of procurement processes and the attractiveness of participation in procedures, including small and start-up businesses. The participants in the procurement process are presented with….
A Cabinet meeting was held on May 16, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Tigran Avinyan, the government told Armenpress. The Executive first approved a set of measures to ensure implementation of Government’s 2019-2023 Action Plan. Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan noted that the Action Plan is composed of individual programs presented by 22….
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