The Republic of Armenia has applied to the European Court of Human Rights demanding to ensure the fundamental rights of 6 Armenian military servicemen. This is reported by Armenia’s representation at the ECHR. To protect the rights of Armenian soldiers, who were taken prisoner during engineering works in the border area of Gegharkunik region of….
The Ministry of Health envisages changes in the rules of sanitary safety. From June 1, it will no longer be mandatory to wear a mask in open areas. And for vaccinated citizens wearing a mask indoors will not be mandatory from July 1. Vaccinated citizens are considered vaccinated if they receive 2 doses of vaccine,….
Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan visited the police educational complex on May 24 to personally talk to the participants of the five-month training of the new patrol service, which starts in July in Yerevan, and learn about their readiness, concerns and mood.First Deputy Minister of Justice Christine Grigoryan, RA Police Education Complex Head, Major General….
On May 9, 2021, the Republic of Armenia filed an interstate complaint with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) against the Republic of Turkey for violations of the Convention – recruitment of Syrian mercenaries and their transfer to Azerbaijan, military assistance to Azerbaijan, which also resulted in violations of the Convention. This is reported….
The amnesty applies to persons who have reached the age of 27 and 35, to reserve officers who evaded compulsory military or alternative service, are suspected, accused or convicted under Part 1 or 3 of Article 327 of the RA Criminal Code (only if the act under Part 1 of the same article was committed….
On May 25, 2004 the Republic of Armenia adopted the Law “On Mental Health Care,” which protects the rights of persons with mental disorders. There are not a few social problems in our country, which cause many mental disorders. Besides these problems, there are not a few factors which have influenced the mental state of….
It should be recognized that in the Republic of Armenia there are no unified principles of forensic medical examinations, as in all other CIS countries, so it is reasonable that many citizens have doubts about the reliability and validity of expert opinions. In order to implement the adversarial principle, there is a significant need to….
Citizens sentenced to imprisonment have the same right to medical care as citizens of the Republic of Armenia, as stipulated by Article 38 of the RA Constitution. However, the procedure for exercising this right differs significantly, since convicts are held in penitentiary institutions of the Republic of Armenia, where the regime requirements are stipulated. Every….
There are more and more different means of transportation on the streets of cities in the Republic of Armenia, but unfortunately the culture of drivers on the road is not improving and therefore almost every day there are hundreds of accidents in the Republic of Armenia. Any driver should know all the subtleties of legal….
The World Health Organization (WHO) encourages all countries around the world to establish by law the principle of exemption from legal liability for first aid providers in cases of harm to life or health. The introduction of this principle into Armenian legislation serves as an important motivating factor for the provision of first aid. The….
The person who has special knowledge always has power over the person who does not have that knowledge. This rule also applies to the doctor-patient relationship. The doctor’s special knowledge is of special value to the patient and therefore any patient is “naked physically and emotionally” before his physician, which puts him in an extremely….
“My body is my property!” –everyone is convinced of this. Since Soviet times, our mentality has been implanted with the fact that the will of a person, even after his death, acts in relation to what belongs to him by nature. In other words, even after death, each of us has the right to dispose….
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