The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs reports that former servicemen (persons equal to them) who have been wounded as a result of military action and recognized as disabled will receive support from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in the matter of employment.To this end, the employer will be provided: Assistance in the….
The Armenian government at the August 12 meeting adopted a decision, according to which the income tax refund on mortgage loans, starting from January 1, will gradually be ineffective. The purpose of the decision is to restrain further expansion of the scope of the income tax refund system in the amount of interest paid by….
Article 18 of the Law on State Benefits establishes types of emergency aid and grounds for its provision, one of which is the entry of a child into the first grade in the family. Article 20 of the same law establishes the right of a child to a one-time emergency aid upon entering the first….
The survivor’s (father’s or mother’s) pension is assigned to the following family members of the deceased breadwinner․ A child under 18 years of ageA brother, sister and grandchild under the age of 18, if their parents have a 3rd degree of disability in their ability to work,If the cause of his/her disability is an illness….
The law “on the management of apartment buildings” was amended and supplemented, which came into force on July 26. According to this law, the modernization of an apartment building is considered the implementation of energy conservation measures, leading to long-term energy or water savings, as well as increasing the value of the apartment building and….
The European Court of Human Rights today issued a ruling in the case of Artur Badalyan v. Azerbaijan, which substantiates the illegal deprivation of liberty and torture of an Armenian citizen in an Azerbaijani prison. The ECtHR ordered Azerbaijan to pay 30.000 Euros to Badalyan as compensation for non-pecuniary damage within three months. On May….
The Armenian National Assembly at an extraordinary session on July 15 passed in the first reading the draft law on amendments to the law on remuneration of persons holding public and civil service positions. The draft law was adopted with 74 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions. The draft law proposes to raise the amount….
As we have already reported, since the beginning of July, by a government decision, citizens can record traffic violations by cell phone and send it to the center for registration of violations by the traffic police. This is reported by the press service of the police.The “Road Control Armenia” mobile app and the website….
Armenia’s representative to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Yeghishe Kirakosyan reported today that the ECHR has rejected a petition filed by Armenia to obligate Azerbaijan to suspend the ongoing trials of Armenian POWs. Kirakosyan did not say why the ECHR rejected the petition. Kirakosyan, during an online discussion of the matter, said that….
Today, July 5, Armenia celebrates Constitution Day.On July 5, 1995 the draft of the Basic Law was submitted to a nationwide referendum and approved by the people. In 2005 the Constitution was amended.“The Armenian people, accepting as a basis the fundamental principles of the Armenian statehood and the national goals enshrined in the Declaration of….
Extraordinary elections to the National Assembly took place on 20 June. Many now have the question of when the next elections should be held, within the timeframe set after the extraordinary elections, or after the previous regular elections. Article 90 defines the term of powers of the National Assembly, according to which the National Assembly is elected….
The Central Housing Committee of the Armenian Defense Ministry issued a statement saying. “For information of former servicemen who are registered in the housing register, former servicemen dismissed from military service in the system of the Ministry of Defense of RA with the right for length of service and who are registered for apartment provision….
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