Extradition is the transfer of a person who has committed a crime to another country for trial or execution of a sentence. Extradition is carried out in accordance with international treaties and national criminal and criminal procedure legislation. It is worth noting that extradition is possible only in the case of a crime and does….
Import is the entry of goods, works, services, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them, into the customs territory of the country from abroad without the obligation to re-export. And export is the exit of goods, works, services, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them, from the customs territory of the….
The police submitted a new draft for public discussion, which plans to amend the government’s decision. Currently, according to the decision № 821 of December 25, 1998 of the government of the Republic of Armenia, the passport of an Armenian citizen is valid for 10 years, except for the citizens under 16, as well as….
According to Article 122 of the Criminal Code of Armenia, illegal abortion is criminally punishable, in particular. 1. The commission of an illegal abortion by a person with the relevant higher medical education is punishable by a fine of 100,000 drams, or arrest for a term not exceeding one month with deprivation of the right….
The United Armenian Information Center published a statement regarding new regulations coming into force on October 1 to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological safety of the population․ -An unvaccinated worker must present a certificate confirming a negative PCR test result to the employer within 14 days from October 1 to October 14. -In case of….
A number of public services are already available in all branches of “Haypost”. Services provided; -Provision of Certificates on marital status by the Civil Registry Agency of the RA Ministry of Justice; -International ratification of certificates issued by the Civil Registry Agency, such as Birth, Marriage, Divorce, Death and Paternity Certificates (APOSTILLE); -Registration, change and….
On January 20, the National Assembly passed a package of bills to amend the Highway Safety Act, which went into effect on August 16. What websites should be used to go through this process? 1. First, you need to pay your property tax. Go to ( https://pay.e-community.am/am/ ) the official website of the Unified Property….
The package of projects developed by the Office of the Ombudsman on providing benefits to servicemen and their families has been sent to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly on Defense and Security and sectoral committees, as well as to the Defense Ministry. The Ombudsman’s office reports about it. Justifications for the adoption of….
30 years ago, on 21 September, 1991, by the decision of the Parliament, a referendum on leaving the USSR and declaring independence was held, as a result of which Armenia was declared an independent state. 94.99% of the citizens of the republic voted “yes” to Independence. On 23 September, 1991, the Supreme Council declared Armenia an….
The Government of the Republic of Armenia has legalized the cultivation of cannabis for technical purposes. On July 15, 2021, a decision was made on the licensing procedure for the production, import, export or wholesale trade of cannabis and the approval of the forms of licenses for these types of activities by the executive….
Today the Republic of Armenia filed a complaint with the International Court of Justice against Azerbaijan on the grounds of a violation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination. At the same time, Armenia asked the court to apply a number of urgent measures, including the closure of the prisoner….
The Law “On Compulsory Liability Insurance arising from the use of motor vehicles” has been amended and entered into force on August 16. Sub point “a” of point 1 (2) of Article 27 of the law has been changed according to which․ If at the moment of inflicting damage a motor vehicle has not passed….
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