A residence permit is a document issued by a state that allows foreigners to reside on its territory on a permanent or temporary basis. What is a residence permit for? Due to the fact that a residence permit allows you to legally reside in the territory of a certain state, it is necessary during the….
What should the buyer do in order not to fall into the trap of contracts and various documents? The buyer must initially conclude a contract when buying a house. But before you sign a contract, you need to study it carefully. Since in such documents there is a complex legal terminology and legal norms are….
The Ministry of Justice is developing a new bill to amend the RA Law on “Public and Individual Notification on the Internet.” The bill proposes: The adoption of this bill will lead to the development of an individual notification system and will create the opportunity to more productively notify legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and….
The National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia has adopted a draft law on amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences. The project assumes the introduction of stricter measures of administrative responsibility for unauthorized construction, reconstruction, installation of buildings and structures, demolition or dismantling without permission, continuation of unauthorized construction of buildings and structures in….
The Ministry of Economy presented draft amendments to the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, as well as amendments and additions to the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia. The government body explains this bill by the necessity to improve legislation regulating relations in the field of copyright. Since in our time technology is….
The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia has proposed to carry out the concept of bankruptcy Law reform. The main objectives of this concept are: This concept will further serve to adopt new legislation related to the field of bankruptcy. And how well the concept will be developed after that will determine the….
The project provides for the establishment of six priorities for ensuring gender equality in the following areas: 1. Management and decision-making, 2. Socio-economic and labor relations, 3. Education and Science, 4. Health care, 5. Preventing gender-based violence 6. Prevention of domestic violence. The information written above is aimed at creating a favorable and positive environment….
Extradition is the transfer of a person who has committed a crime to another country for trial or execution of a sentence. Extradition is carried out in accordance with international treaties and national criminal and criminal procedure legislation. It is worth noting that extradition is possible only in the case of a crime and does not….
Import is the entry of goods, works, services, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them, into the customs territory of the country from abroad without the obligation to re-export. And export is the exit of goods, works, services, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them, from the customs territory of the….
The Ministry of Economy presented draft amendments to the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, as well as amendments and additions to the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia. The government body explains this bill by the necessity to improve legislation regulating relations in the field of copyright. Since in our time technology is….
The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia has proposed to carry out the concept of bankruptcy Law reform. The main objectives of this concept are: Analysis of the current situation in the field of bankruptcy, identification of significant problems and identification of needs Presentation of conceptual directions and solutions for legislative reform, taking….
The project provides for the establishment of six priorities for ensuring gender equality in the following areas: 1. Management and decision-making, 2. Socio-economic and labor relations, 3. Education and Science, 4. Health care, 5. Preventing gender-based violence 6. Prevention of domestic violence. The information written above is aimed at creating a favorable and positive environment….
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