Exemption from Criminal Liability for Evasion of Compulsory Military Service in Armenia

Since 2003, Armenian citizens who have reached the age of 27 and are wanted for evading compulsory military service have a legal opportunity to be exempted from criminal responsibility after paying certain sums to the state budget of the Republic of Armenia. This way of exemption from potential criminal prosecution and termination of initiated criminal….

Recognition of a citizen as missing or dead in the Republic of Armenia

The right to declare a citizen missing or dead is enshrined in the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia. This legal instrument has a long history of application and can often have a significant impact on the set of rights and obligations of some citizens. The necessity to recognize a citizen as absent may….

Innovations in the Legislation on Notaries of the Republic of Armenia

Since the beginning of 2017 certain amendments have been introduced into the legislation on notaries of the Republic of Armenia, giving notaries a number of new functions. Of particular interest is a novelty that enables enforcement of a certain type of contracts without bringing the case to court by a notary’s writ of execution. For….