The treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union established a new judicial body for the EAEC member states and their economic entities – The Court of the Eurasian Economic Union. This EAEC Court is a permanent judicial body and is located in the city of Minsk, the capital of the Republic of Belarus. On January 2nd….
A significant portion of the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Armenia is made up from goods imported from foreign countries. Additionally, a considerable amount of medical drugs are taken out of the country. The procedure for the import and export of medicines in the RA, has its own characteristics and certain regulatory requirements. In….
International Child Legal Support Day is on November 20. On that day Vardan Khechyan will provide children and their parents’ gratuitous legal help on the issues of children’s rights, including trusteeship, guardianship, and relations between parents and children. To get additional information about the event, please, call us at the following telephone number: + 374….
The Government Database of Legal entities of the Republic of Armenia operates the registration of legal persons on the territory of the Republic of Armenia, except for banks and credit institutions, and individual entrepreneurs, as well as, offices and branches of legal entities, providing for the registration of media operations. As you may know the….
When carrying out activities in the field of business, many companies are faced with the need to expand the range of their activities. To do this most companies register additional branches and representative offices in the Republic of Armenia. According to the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia, branches and representative offices are not….
When purchasing any property it is desirable and even necessary to implement it full legal check-up. After all, there are cases in Yerevan and throughout the Republic of Armenia whereby aggressive sellers are trying to capitalize on the naivety of some citizens or their lack of attention. We strongly advise a prospective buyer to familiarize….
Today in Strasbourg European Court of Human Rights issued the judgment in the case of Perincek v. Switzerland. The Perincek case was considered by the Grand Chamber of European Court. Representatives of Armenia and Turkey were also involved as third parties. ECHR established that bringing Perincek to criminal responsibility did not completely contradict the case law of….
Recently the Republic of Armenia has become an attractive area for business, and it concerns not only the citizens of the Republic of Armenia or Armenian companies but also foreign businesses. Reinforcing trade and economic relations with its neighbors and economic partners of the Republic of Armenia makes it possible for foreigners to conduct business….
In accordance with Part 1 (one) of Article 1227 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia, Armenian heirs may accept the inheritance in the six month period from the date of its validity. If for any reason the inheritance is not accepted at the end of six months, then it passes to the….
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