New Judges Appointed

The President of Armenia issued an order, according to which new judges were appointed in the Courts of General Jurisdiction. In particular, the order says, “Governed by Cl. 11, Art. 55 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia with 2005 amendments and based on the conclusions, presented by the decisions N AKH-6-E-8 and AKH-6-E-9 of the….

False purchase and falsified sale of apartments in the Republic of Armenia

A falsified deal is a deal that is made without any intention to create legal consequences. In fact, the contract of sale may be executed in compliance with all the requirements of the legislation of RA, but the change of ownership takes place only formally. In practice the owner of the property, and the user….

Government Approves Tax Code Draft

The Government of the Republic of Armenia approved the Tax Code draft at the session on March 31, 2016. According to the Deputy President of State Revenue Committee Vakhtang Mirumyan, after lengthy discussions the draft has been finalized on the grounds of pre-established principles and the document is supposed to ensure long-term economic growth without focusing on short-term….

Legal aspects of pledge and deposit in the Republic of Armenia

The right of pledge, collateral or deposit is the legally defined property right of the landlord/lady in respect of the legally owned property. The deposit is the most effective means of providing financial or other obligations of the debtor in the framework of the RA legal system. In accordance with Article 70 (seventy) of the….

On invalidity of transactions in the Republic of Armenia

On invalidity of transactions in the Republic of Armenia In accordance with Article 303 of the Civil Code of the RA, the transaction is declared invalid and/or void by such virtue as recognized by the court, on the grounds provided by the RA Civil Code, or regardless of such recognition. Transactions invalid by virtue of….

Debt Recovery and Loan Agreement in Armenia

Loan agreement Loan agreement is a very significant document which, if properly processed, establishes mutual rights and obligations of the parties. In accordance with the Article 877 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia, under the agreement of loan, one party (the lender) transfers to the ownership of the other party (the borrower) money….

Special Group Assessed Provisions of Criminal Code Draft

Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation has formed “Justice Group” comprising well-known lawyers and law enforcers, namely, Avetik Ishkhanyan, Hayk Alumyan, David Khachatryan, Arthur Sakunts, Artak Zeynalyan and so on. The Group considered the Draft Criminal Code of the RA, having performed deep analysis, and presented their most important observations, remarks and proposals. Article 13 of….