The competence of the Administrative Court of the Republic of Armenia and the pending cases In the Republic of Armenia, at present time, there exists a system of courts of general jurisdiction and the Administrative Court. Most cases are heard in the courts of general jurisdiction, but due to the need to increase the quality….
Introduction of instances of moral damage and compensation to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia The Republic of Armenia, in the year 2015, amended the legislation related to compensation for moral (intangible) damage. The first of these changes occurred in 2010 and second in 2014, however, changes made at the end of 2015 provide….
When entering into agreements of various kinds, citizens in the vast majority of cases do not pay attention to such essential conditions of the contract, as the place of jurisdiction in case of arguments or misunderstandings. This neglect is unwise, since in practice the contracts may often mention other organizations as the place of jurisdiction,….
On April 28 the Draft Law on “Changes and Amendments to Civil Code of Armenia” has been considered in the Ministry of Justice. The debate was arranged with the support of “German Corporation for International Cooperation” (GIZ). The First Deputy Minister of Justice Arsen Mkrtchyan, the head of the “Legal approximation towards the European legal standards….
The International Partnership of Law Companies Customs & Corporate Lawyers together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the RF arranged a conference “Topical Issues of International Turnover of the Objects of Intellectual Property in Present Conditions” as a part of the IX International Forum on “Intellectual Property – XXI century” in Moscow on April….
Clinical drug trials in the Republic of Armenia are held to confirm their safety and effectiveness, as well as, to obtain information about possible side effects. Permission to hold clinical drug trials are issued by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia. Tests are carried out on pre-established Ministry of Health medical institutions…..
15.04.2016 Video consultation with Vardan Khechyan Subject: Payment of earnings/salaries in accordance with the law of RA (video in Armenian)
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