Desiring to prevent the emergence of legal complexities, some of CIS countries established the order of providing legal cooperation on criminal, family and civil matters. Legal cooperation is based on the Minsk Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters. Following this convention, the legal assistance may be granted by conducting expertise, searches, requisition, sending and….
Competition among the subjects of the market was always the basis of market relations. It provides the market with the stable development and equality before the law. Due to this, the Republic of Armenia adopted the Law “On protection of economic competition”. The law regulates activities of entrepreneurial subjects and state bodies directed to limitation, prevention,….
The 1958 New York Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards regulates the peculiarities of recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in different countries. The Republic of Armenia joined the Convention in 1998. Adoption of this Convention has created a very positive background for extension of arbitration in relations among transnational business entities….
Foreign investors are defines as; foreign citizens, stateless persons, foreign legal entities, citizens of the Republic of Armenia residing out of the territory of the RA and international organizations which engage in investment in the Republic of Armenia. Foreign investment means any type of property, including financial resources and intellectual values, which is directly invested in….
On July 2, 2016, the Draft Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia was discussed at the Government session chaired by the Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan. The heads and representatives of several interested departments were involved in the session. Prime Minister Abrahamyan noted that the Draft Tax Code has been subject to debate at various….
The provisions on the invalidity of the marriage between two persons are stipulated in chapter 5 of the Family Code of the Republic of Armenia. Part 1 of Article 20 of the RA Family Code establishes that the marriage can be annulled only by the court. Note, however, that the invalidity of the marriage by the….
On June 27 the Agreement on the introduction of the unified forms of vehicle registration certificate (certificate of chassis), certificate of a self-propelled vehicle and other types of vehicles and organization of electronic certificate systems’ came into force. Entering this document into force means that effective conditions for the free turnover of an automobile, agricultural,….
With the end of the holiday season and the beginning of the academic year in Yerevan, the number of rented apartments naturally increases. The contract for renting the premises must be in compliance with the specific rules established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia. Wanting to avoid the hassle of doing this on….
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia is considering the proposal on allowing entry into the Republic of Armenia by internal passports. This proposal currently being addressed affects mutual trips of citizens of RA and RF. Such a novelty will be very advantageous for the development of tourism in Armenia as well as for….
The appeal court rulings The final judicial act authorizing the merits of the case is called the court’s decision. The decision of the trial court may interfere with certain procedural and substantive rules of law, or incorrectly installing the actual circumstances of the case, with the result violating the legally protected rights and interests of….
What is subject to division, when couples divorce in the Republic of Armenia. At present time in addition to the traditional division of property, divorcing spouses may also discuss the division of shared business and/or jointly owned shares in a business. It should be understood that the term “business” may include stocks and shares within….
Today at the meeting of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Foreign Relations under the chairmanship of Artak Zakaryan the draft law “On Recognition of the Republic of Artsakh” has been discussed. Artsakh Recognition bill was presented by the deputies of the National Assembly Zaruhi Postanjyan and Hrant Bagratyan. According to Zaruhi Postanjyan, adoption of….
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