The acquisition of residence status in the Republic of Armenia

If a foreign citizen wishes to live in the Republic of Armenia, or to acquire citizenship of the RA in common order, first he should prepare the documents which will let him stay on the territory of the Republic of  Armenia and obtain the residence status. It is possible to distinguish 3 types of resident status:….

National Assembly making amendments to the laws on civic organizations

Today National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia adopted the package of amendments to the law “On civic organizations” and related laws on first reading. 99 deputies voted in favour with 2 abstentions. While presenting the draft law Arpine Hovhannisyan, the Minister of Justice, noted that numerous matters expressing social and civil interest will be balanced by….

Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna Convention)

In the modern world the trade has gone beyond the borders of particular countries and gained international significance. Along with the development of markets and the emergence of new technical tools business entities in the Republic of Armenia gain an opportunity to enter into contracts and sell goods in foreign countries without any additional complexities. The Convention on….

On Non-fulfilment of Obligations by Sellers and Buyers

International sale of goods is regulated by the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods signed in Vienna in 1980. This Convention establishes the order of conclusion of such contracts, rights, and obligations of the parties, as well as consequences of non-fulfillment of contractual obligations by the parties. Taking into account the variety….

National Assembly adopted the new Tax Code on third reading

The National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia adopted the new Tax Code. The Code was adopted by 79 votes in favor of 19 votes against, with no abstentions.   Some deputies deemed the adopted Code inadmissible. Particularly Hrant Bagratyan stated that there were inconsistencies with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of….

On Calculation and Payment of Income Tax in Armenia

On December the 22nd 2010 National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia adopted the new Law “On income tax”. This law defined the new conditions, procedures, and rates for income tax in Armenia. It is a direct tax, which is subject to payment by taxpayers to the state budget of the Republic of Armenia. Objects….

On Peculiarities of Excise Tax in the Republic of Armenia

The excise tax is an indirect tax charged on the sale and importation of particular goods in the Republic of Armenia. The excise tax is established by the Law of the RA “On excise tax”. According to this law the following goods shall be subject to excise tax: beer, grape and other wines, wine ingredients, spirits….

On Acquisition and/or Cessation of The RA Citizenship

Any capable person, who is at least 18 years old and resides in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, or outside of the Republic of Armenia, may apply to authorized state bodies for the acquisition of the citizenship of the RA if he/she: has been lawfully residing in the territory of the Republic of….

Regulation in the Field of Precious Metals in the RA

The turnover of precious metals in the Republic of Armenia is regulated by the Civil Code of the RA, the Law “On precious metals”, “On licensing”, “On trade and services”, acts of the Government and so on. Civil Code of the RA establishes that the object of a civil law is a property, particularly monetary assets,….

On VAT Payment Process in the Republic of Armenia

Value-added tax is an indirect tax paid to the state budget for importation, exportation, and turnover of goods on the territory of the Republic of Armenia as well as providing services at all stages. VAT payers are legal entities carrying out entrepreneurial activity, foreign legal entities’ branches which are registered in the Republic of Armenia, public notaries,….

Types of Entry Visas to the Republic of Armenia and Invitations

Foreigners wishing to travel to the Republic of Armenia must obtain an entry visa. Regarding to citizens of some countries, the Armenian legislation establishes visa-free regime. Here we will talk about types of entry visas, necessary for crossing the border of the Republic of Armenia.  For the beginning, we would like to note that citizens of some….

Financial Security Types in the Republic of Armenia

Securities are documents of set form, having obligatory requisites and confirming property rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon their presentation. When transferring securities all rights confirmed by it pass. The Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia distinguishes securities into a bearer security, a named security, and an ordered security…..