What to do if your child is kidnapped?

These comments are compiled on the basis of the situations without precedent: The wife from the Republic of Armenia went to live in the Russian Federation with her child. After two years she is traveling back with her child and after some time is informing her husband in the Russian Federation that she has no….

Child adoption in the Republic of Armenia

In order to adopt a child in the Republic of Armenia a person residing in the territory of the Republic of Armenia must submit the following documents: Their passport; Their certificate of residence and certificate on their living conditions; The proof of residence and a certificate about their family; A guarantee issued by an organization,….

Divorce Proceeding between Citizens of the RA and Foreign Citizens

Foreigners and stateless persons in the territory of the Republic of Armenia have the same rights and freedoms and perform the same obligations as citizens of the Republic of Armenia. Moreover, initiating divorce proceeding with a foreign citizen will not be different from the divorce process with a citizen of the Republic of Armenia. This can be carried out….

Formal registration of paternity in the Republic of Armenia

The process of registration of recognition of paternity in the Republic of Armenia: The formal registration of paternity is carried out at The Registry Office of the Republic of Armenia. After the registration, a certificate is issued acknowledging the paternity. Thus in the Republic of Armenia, the registration of paternity is carried out: On the….

Registration of the birth in the Republic of Armenia

The process of state registration of the birth of the child in the Republic of Armenia: If the parents are married, both their names will be recorded on the birth certificate and the child’s patronym will be registered based on the name of his father. If the parents are not married, the data on the….

Formal registration of marriage and of divorce in the Republic of Armenia

The Family Code of the Republic of Armenia states that a marriage requires the mutual consent of a man and a woman. The minimum age for marriage is 18 (eighteen) years for both men and women. The law prohibits marriage if it is: Between persons one of whom is already in a registered marriage; Between….

International Child Abduction: Practice in the Republic of Armenia

With an increased number of international marriages between different citizens, lots of spouses may face specific problems affecting their family rights. As is known, the divorce may lead to irreconcilable contradictions between the spouses on different grounds. One of the main grounds may be the determination of where and with whom their child(ren) will live. Those conditions….