Foreign citizens have the right to enter the territory of the Republic of Armenia with passports, visas and in some cases with a residence permit. On the basis of an agreement between the Republic of Armenia and a number of countries, such as The Russian Federation, The Ukraine, The Republic of Belarus, The Republic of….
In the normal course of business, many legal organizations are faced with situations that require them to make some changes. These may be, the appointment, or dismissal of directors, change of activity, an increase, or decrease of the authorized capital and so on. Our company offers services of high-quality and quick implementation of all changes….
According to the RA law “On foreigners”, foreign nationals have the same rights, freedoms and obligations as the citizens of the Republic of Armenia on the territory of the Republic of Armenia, unless otherwise provided by the Constitution, laws and international treaties. The Constitution of the Republic of Armenia states that a foreign citizen has….
Compulsory military service for persons with dual citizenship: Citizens of the Republic of Armenia holding additional foreign citizenship or persons who have renounced their RA citizenship after the 1st of January 1995, as well as, persons who unilaterally renounced their RA citizenship must complete compulsory military or contractual military service in the Republic of Armenia…..
Recently in the Republic of Armenia, the business development is quite active and Yerevan, with some confidence, can be called the most attractive place for business. To begin the embodiment of business programs it is necessary to determine on the basis of which the activity the business will be carried out. Most often businessmen prefer….
Guarantees on receiving pensions by the RA citizens in the case of departure from the RA: According to the Law of Armenia from 05.02.2009 “On the Right of receiving pensions and social payments”, pensioners of the RA who no longer live on the territory of the Republic of Armenia, qualify for no more than six….
The Republic of Armenia law provides a special procedure for termination of the RA citizenship. Citizenship may be terminated only by the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia. The above means that if a citizen applied for the termination of the RA citizenship or acquired citizenship of another state without giving up….
What legislative changes took place after January 2, 2015, when the Republic of Armenia became the member of the Eurasian Economic Union? Generally changes to conditions for the Republic of Armenia with regards to the absence of customs clearance for the business entities from the EAEU countries. There is no need to pay VAT, an excise tax at the customs border…..
When selecting the language of instruction for children of foreign citizens or stateless persons: If the child is a citizen of a foreign country the language of instruction is selected by the parent or parents, or legal representatives. If the child is a citizen of the Republic of Armenia where the first two years the….
General rules for the implementation of employment: Every citizen of a foreign state, who has the appropriate visa of the RA, has the right to work in the territory of the Republic of Armenia. Unlike the previous Labor Code of the RA, the Code of 2004 reduces the role of government in labor relations. The….
Guarantees for foreign investments in the Republic of Armenia: The purpose of the RA Law “On Foreign Investments”, adopted on the 31st July of 1994 is to attract foreign investment and guarantee the non-nationalization of said investment. One of the important points of this law is the requirement that any deprivation of property rights is….
The designated size of mandatory payments by persons who have not passed mandatory military service: The Republic of Armenia Act of 17th of December 2003 “On the Citizens Who Have Not Passed Compulsory Military Service due to violation of the established order,” provides that citizens of the Republic of Armenia are under obligation to make….
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