Before turning to the courts, it is advisable that the parties try to resolve the dispute in a peaceful and less costly manner. Pre-trial or out of court settlement of disputes is cost-effective and time-saving. It is also important to know that pre-trial/out of court settlement of the dispute can be carried out on a….
Tax Litigation often arises in connection with the conduct of improper accounting, the illegal decision of the tax inspection and such like. Due to creating problems in the tax area, your business may be subject to an increased risk. Our specialists who have experience in resolving tax disputes will help you to appeal against decisions of….
Purchase and sale of the commercial business are one of the most common types of transactions in the Republic of Armenia. The purchase and sale procedure of any commercial enterprise is carried out incomplete, or in parts. This requires very important, detailed and multifaceted legal procedures related to the evaluation of the various components of….
Economic and business contracts have their own characteristics. We are often faced with the problem of non-fulfillment of responsibilities under the contract. As a result of incorrect interpretation of the wording in the contract terms, it can easily turn into a problematic situation. In order to avoid this, dedicated team of lawyers of our company….
Bankruptcy cases are the most difficult and confusing. In case of declaring bankruptcy, it is important to consider not only all economic factors but also to properly arrange the legal grounds. In our reality, companies often face the risk of insolvency. The Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Bankruptcy” determines that the debtor may be….
Today we are faced with many issues when registering real estate transactions. The market in this area is expanding, new laws are adopted and consequently, this increases the risk of difficulties in the process. If you encounter a problem in this area or want to ensure the legality of your transaction in advance, you should consult….
YEREVAN, May 20. /ARKA/. Armenia’s economic activity indicator rose 2.7% in Jan-Apr 2015, compared with the same period a year earlier, the National Statistical Service of Armenia reports. Consumer prices went 5% up in Jan-Apr 2015, compared with the same period a year before, and prices for industrial goods rose 4.2%. Industry’s output amounted to AMD….
In the Republic of Armenia an Apostille Stamp legally confirms the position, signature, seal and stamp on official documents. The Hague Convention of 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents sets the number of documents on which the Apostille stamp must be present in the Republic of Armenia. The Apostille stamp is issued….
The procedure for the liquidation of the legal entity: One of the most popular legal services in Yerevan and throughout the Republic of Armenia is the liquidation of the legal entity. We will try to convey in a concise and accessible way the features of liquidation of legal entity. Liquidation of a legal entity in….
Grounds for acquiring citizenship of the Republic of Armenia: A person under 18 (eighteen) years of age who has no nationality, is entitled to apply to the relevant authorities of the Republic of Armenia to obtain citizenship providing that this person has: Three years of permanent uninterrupted residence in the territory of the Republic of….
YEREVAN, May 7. / ARKA /. At an extraordinary session today Armenia’s National Assembly has passed in the second and final reading a controversial bill on amending the laws on income and profit taxes that require thousands of Armenians working abroad to pay taxes at home. The amount of income tax the government will levy from….
The divorce: Divorce in the Republic of Armenia requires a coordinated decision by both spouses on the termination of family relations. The formal termination of these relationships is granted by the court, or institution for registration of civil status acts of the Republic of Armenia. Divorce can only proceed with the consent of the spouses…..
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