Obtaining certificates and duplicates in the Republic of Armenia

Definition of a certificate: A certificate is a document that contains information and is compiled in order to confirm or describe facts. Certificates may be issued by public authorities, local governments and individuals. In the Republic of Armenia when obtaining citizenship, entering into marriage, accepting adoption citizens will need to present a number of different….

Human health issues arising as a result of medical errors

In the course of one’s life, one may for whatever reasons seek medical help, in order to lead an active, healthy and happy lifestyle. However, not all individuals who are charged with improving the health of others perform their functions as intended. As a result of malpractice, varying degrees of damage may be inflicted on….

Congratulations on International Day for Protection of Children

Today, on the 1-st of June, is International Day for Protection of Children, which was founded in November of 1949 by the decision of the Congress of Women’s International Democratic Federation. We want to congratulate all children over the world and their parents on behalf of Law Office of Vardan Khechyan on this really enchanting….

Family Mediation in the Republic of Armenia

It is well known that the amount of divorces in the Republic of Armenia has greatly increased recently. It is not a very pleasant procedure in itself, demanding emotive and financial input from both spouses. This may be escalated further by the trial on a division of property and the legal issues around the children…..

Registering a company in the Republic of Armenia

To carry out business activities in Yerevan and other cities of the Republic of Armenia one must register in the public register as a company, or as an individual entrepreneur. Both commercial and non-profit organizations must be registered in the public register of the Republic of Armenia, despite the fact that non-profit organizations are engaged….

Consumer Rights

Consumer rights are determined and protected by the law “On Protection of Rights of Consumers”. This law is unfortunately violated very often in RA, and consumers are generally not familiar with their rights. If your rights under the law “On protection of rights of consumers” are violated then you should contact a lawyer. Our lawyers have years….

Medical Disputes

Medical law is one of the most important fields of law. The medical law regulates the social relations associated with the implementation of medical activities between doctor/nurse/hospital/surgery and patient. Very often the problem in the field of medical relations arises as a result of medical errors which cause a threat to life and health of a….

Personal Lawyer

Upon signing of a contract with our company, you will receive a personalized card, with information about the program and contact details of relevant lawyers in case of emergency. This signed contracted agreement makes it possible for you to use the services of a lawyer to protect your rights and interests. Services of personal lawyer….

In Case of Road Accidents

Very often, after the accident, the rights of car owners are violated by insurance companies. In practice, we often meet cases when insurance companies reject to pay compensations, pay a lower amount, or unreasonably delay the whole process. In case of road accidents, a criminal case can be brought forward. To avoid problems with aggressive insurance….

Labor Disputes

Labor disputes with the employee or the employer occur in practice very often. Such disputes arise mainly due to the reduction, wage decrease, employee involvement to justice, etc. Protection of violated labor rights is possible as in court so pretrial order. Our lawyers will help you to resolve labor disputes as at judicial so at the….

Enforcement Proceedings

Following the entry into force of the court decision, the most important stage is the execution of the judgment. The enforcement proceedings are the final stage of the trial. Problems arise very often at this stage. For example court orders that you must obtain property or money, but you do not get them, or the defendant….

Criminal Cases

Criminal cases are very complex and sometimes confusing. In the process, even before the court hearings start, various investigative activities are held in which it is very important for the defendant, the victim, and witnesses, to know their rights. Since the criminal case goes through the different public authorities and the process may last very long,….