Sometimes for various reasons changes occur in companies operating in the Republic of Armenia. The changes may be related to the death of one of the members of the company, executive body moving to a new location, change of address, the sale of the share of the participant(s), the change of name of the company,….
On September 21, 1991, Armenian people voted in the referendum on independence declaration of Armenia, which had been a part of the USSR since 1921. The Supreme Council decided to hold a referendum on withdrawal from the USSR and establishment of the newly independent state. 99% percent of citizens eligible to vote answered in the affirmative…..
On September 12 our partner Emma Hakobyan, who specializes in the law of Spain, arrives from Barcelona to Yerevan. You can contact our partner at the address of Law office of Vardan Khechyan until September 20. Emma Hakobyan will provide you with legal advice on the following questions: peculiarities of doing business in Spain; real estate….
The aims of Draft Criminal Сode of the Republic of Armenia are the provision of security of the person, society, and state against a criminal offense, reduction of social tension due to crime, provision of conformity of criminal legislation with the modern developmental trend of crime and criminal threats. Deputy Justice Minister, Deputy Authorized Representative….
The overall IT market in the Republic of Armenia has recently received a significant development and now it remains one of the most promising directions for the RA economy. The Government of the Republic of Armenia attaches great importance to the development of information technology, as it contributes to the revitalization of businesses and attracts….
The board of the Central Bank of Armenia decided today at its meeting to down the key refinancing rate 0.25 percentage points to 10.25 %, the press office of the regulator reports. The board said that a 2.2 % deflation was recorded in Armenia in July 2015 against a 0.9 % deflation in July 2014,….
In 2011 the Law “On free economic zones” came into force. This legal act provides certain privileges in the conduct of business activities in some areas of the Republic of Armenia. Options for creating such zones are assigned to the Government of the Republic of Armenia, which also approves the order of their functioning. Free….
Under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister of Justice, Acting Minister Arsen Mkrtchyan, today in the Ministry of Justice held the first meeting of the Mediation Qualifying Commission. The personnel of the Commission was established and approved in accordance with the decree of the Minister of Justice. The Commission consists of Deputy Minister of Justice….
In connection with the accession of the Republic of Armenia to the Eurasian Economic Union some changes took place in many areas of legislation. Especially changes in customs legislation, the regulation of which is not only based on the domestic legislation of the Republic of Armenia, but also on the regulatory framework of the EAEU,….
On 20 June President of the Republic Armenia signed the decree asserted the list of judicial nominees established by the decision of Council of Justice “On the establishment of the list of judicial nominees ” from 27 May of 2015. Following “”, appropriate amendments must be carried out in the list of judicial nominees in….
In the modern context of globalization, many people are faced with the need to change their country of residence for a variety of reasons, or the need to produce documents issued in the Republic of Armenia to the public authorities of other countries. Usually, it is in these moments that the intensive work on gathering….
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