The draft law on neighbors’ relations was before RA National Assembly. It is proposed to introduce the rules of neighbor law in the Civil Code of the RA that will regulate disputes, violations, and uncertainties in the scope of neighbor relations. The draft law specifies the ownership of tree fruits located in the neighboring land plot, transition of….
The government of the Republic of Armenia in collaboration with governments of the EAEU countries and EEC organized annual business forum “Eurasian Economic Union: Armenia – Cooperation” in Tsakhkadzor from May 26 until May 29. The main theme of the forum was the discussion of EAEU export potential. A number of meetings took place which….
On 16 March 2017, the Government of the Republic of Armenia introduced visa-free entry for the citizens of United Arab Emirates. From 22 March 2017 on, citizens of United Arab Emirates are able to enter Armenia visa-free for the period of 180 days within a year. We would like to note that formerly to visit Armenia….
In early March RA National Assembly proposed an initiative on a provision of privileges to citizens who have not passed mandatory military service. According to the draft law, citizens of the Republic of Armenia who has attained the age of 27 and has not passed compulsory military service until 1st of May 2017 can be….
The chairman of the Armenian representative office of the International Union (Commonwealth) of Advocates participated in the conference of IU(C)A held from March 6 until March 12 in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia. The peculiarities of doing business in Malaysia and advocacy were discussed at the conference. A lot of members of the International Union….
Meghri free economic zone may serve a good platform for Russian business to boost trade and economic relations with the Iranian market, Russian Minister of Transport, Co-Chair of the Armenian-Russian intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation Maxim Sokolov has told on Saturday in Yerevan during the meeting with Armenian PM Karen Karapetyan. Sokolov, who is paying….
Having considered the above redomicile laws for foreign legal entities, we noted that the term ‘redomiciliation’ is a change of jurisdiction of the legal entity in the jurisdiction of another country. The package of amendments to the civil law, allowing foreign companies placed under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Armenia also provided the right….
At the end of 2016, the RA National Assembly amended the Civil Code and some other laws. Due to these changes in corporate law, the NA introduced the Instrument for redomiciliating entities. This story was borrowed because of its successful use in the legal systems of countries such as Austria, Belgium, Ireland, and Latvia. This….
Dear friends, We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year on behalf of the staff of Vardan Khechyan LLC! We sincerely wish good health, happiness, and well-being to you and your loved ones. We are hopeful that this will be the year that brings us peace and success. Vardan….
Personal data is information on facts, events, circumstances that concerns an individual were presented in a form that allows or may allow to directly or indirectly identify the individual in question. Personal data processing is any act or sequence of acts that concern personal data collection, input, organization, modification, dissemination (including transmission), storage, rectification, access blockage,….
How to become turnover taxpayer Once a year commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs, registered in the Republic of Armenia, as well as notaries, have a right to transit from profit tax or VAT to turnover tax, if they submit the application to the territorial tax body until February 20th of the same year. Legal entities,….
Type of direct tax, which is to be collected from companies and contractual investment funds, incorporated in the Republic of Armenia (residents), foreign companies registered outside of the Republic of Armenia and international organizations (non-residents). Profit tax is one of the types of direct taxes, subject to payment to the state budget of the RA. This….
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